Designing with Data: Improving the User Experience with A/B Testing
Rochelle King, Elizabeth F. Churchill, Caitlin Tan
Research for Designers: A Guide to Methods and Practice
Gjoko Muratovski
Think Like a UX Researcher: How to Observe Users, Influence Design, and Shape Business Strategy
David Travis y Philip Hodson
Product Research Rules
Aras Bilgen, C. Todd Lombardo, Michael Connors
The coding manual for qualitative Research
Jonny Saldaña
Shane, the lone ethnographer
Shane, the lone ethnographer
Sally Campbell Galman
The Good, the Bad, and the Data
Sally Campbell Galman
Making sense of qualitative data
Amanda Coffey
A Pocket Guide to International User Research
The Handbook of Global User Research
Interviewing Users
A Pocket Guide to Interviewing for Research
The Field Study Handbook